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Meet Anna

A feel good story.

I spent three decades of my life struggling with my body. Thinning hair, cystic acne, and a constant battle with my weight kept me busy in the self-loathing department. I tried every fix. I thought I’d feel better if I worked harder and made more money. Then, I thought if I crash-dieted and dropped some weight fast, that’d be the trick. Last ditch? I tried Adderall and anti-depressants to trick my brain into feeling good.

In short, I felt bad for a really long time. And then I finally started to feel better.

Yoga was where my healing began. I started breathing and filling my limbs and muscles with oxygen. It was heaven.

Then, I took a hard look at my lifestyle. It was grim. I was living on prescription pills and processed food. It became clear to me that my physical discomfort and dull appearance was actually my body screaming at me for real, whole nutrition. Message received.

Today, my story is all feel good. Truly a “well being,” I eat a plant-based diet and fill my body with all of the nourishing, wholesome food that it needs to perform. My yoga practice has also expanded. As a certified health coach, I serve my clients with one-on-one health mentorships. I also host yoga retreats that focus on enriching the relationship that women have with their bodies. I serve my clients from a gorgeous, sophisticated salon, the toxin-free Boss Hair Group in Chicago’s River North neighborhood.


Finally, my body is free be exactly what it was always meant to be: bountiful, beautiful, and strong.

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