So, You Want To Grow Your Hair Out?
Have you cut your hair in the last year and you have been feeling like you really want that long hair back in your life? I’ve got some tips for you on how to get back to that long swingy hair in no time.
Embrace the awkward length.
Whether you’re growing out a pixie or a lob there’s gonna be some awkward moments. Buy some bobby pins and some hair accessories. Get a scarf or a headband. Watch YouTube tutorials or ask your stylist to show you how to use the accessories. Another way to keep the weird lengths easy to deal with are clip in hair extensions. Get a couple of individual pieces that are easy to clip in and don’t take too much time in the morning.
Treat your hair like a fine silk.
Taking a giant heavy rough towel and scrubbing your hair dry when you get out of the shower can cause a ton of damage. Get a microfiber towel and gently pat your hair dry. A clean cotton t-shirt also works really well. It will reduce breakage and help keep tangles at bay. If you are feeling like splurging you can also buy a silk head wrap for wearing while you sleep:
Set your heat to LOW on the blowdryer.
It’s no secret that heat styling isn’t great for your hair. But, when you’re trying to grow it out high heat can split the hair ends prematurely. I know it’s hard to step away from the hot tools, so try to incorporate a heat protectant before you blow dry. And, like I said before, keep that heat set at low. You can also a diffuser, even if you don’t have curly hair. Overdoing it with the heat styling can halt your growth by torching the ends. Simply Trying a new approach might help.
Trim your hair, but not too much.
When growing hair out it’s important to get a trim when you you are noticing some dry split ends. You don’t want them to creep up the hair shaft and make the problem even worse. BUT, it’s very important not to do it as regularly as you normally would to maintain a style. Our hair only grows about ½ inch per month. If you are cutting every 6 weeks you won’t be getting very far. Try to wait 1 to 2 months past when you would usually schedule a cut. Then, kindly ask your hairstylist if you can come in and get a bang or neck trim. This will alleviate stress during the awkward grow out, and get you in to see your hair beloved stylist.
Alleviate added breakage.
Sometimes, we can create accidental breakage with our everyday habits. When you’re trying to gain length quickly you need to hone in on these habits to see if you are hurting your hair strands. How do you brush your hair? Do you start at the roots and brush down? If so, you may be causing tangling at the ends. Try starting from the ends and working your way up towards the scalp. Do you wear ponytails? Are they always in the same place? This could be causing stress on that part of your hair. Also, pulling your hair back too tightly can cause breakage around your hairline, creating short hairs that are hard to style as you grow out your hair. One more thing you might never think of. On what side of your body do you wear your purse? Is your purse strap laying over your hair and constantly pulling on it? Keep these things in mind, and you will likely notice habits that are potentially going to elongate or sabotage the grow out phase.
Take high quality hair vitamins.
This is very important! The quality of your hair vitamins is essential if you want them to be efficient. I have my favorite two that I tend to lean on more than others. They are Nutrafol:, and Viviscal: I have used both for many years, and they both work very efficiently and quickly. The most important thing about these companies is that they both are very strict about the quality of the ingredients that go into their product. That ensures that you aren’t ingesting anything weird or toxic.
Treat your scalp with some respect.
The scalp is the place where the hair grows out of. So, why not make sure that your scalp is the healthiest scalp on the block. If you have time before you shampoo take some almond oil or coconut oil and give your self a little scalp massage. It’ll bring blood flow to the area, and with blood come nutrients. Scalps are basically an extension of our face, and think of all the products we use to exfoliate and moisturize our faces. Getting a professional scalp treatment once a month can really help too. Finally, shampooing twice can help. The first shampoo just mobilizes the dirt and the second shampoo gets it clean.